Example: Signal separation using dual basis pursuit (Example 2)

Decompose a speech waveform into two distinct signal components using short-time Fourier transforms (STFT) with short and long windows. The two components accentuate the pitch harmonics and the formants, respectively.

Ivan Selesnick



close all

printme = @(filename) print('-deps', sprintf('figures/Example_dualBP_2_%s', filename) );

Load data

Load speech waveform data

[y, fs] = wavread('data/arctic_a0001.wav' );        % fs : sampling rate (samples/second)
y = y(18000:26000);
y = y(:)';
M = length(y);                                      % M : length of signal
m = (0:M-1)';

LW = 0.1;           % LW : linewidth

plot(m/fs, y, 'black', 'linewidth', LW)
xlim([0 M/fs])
ymax = max(abs(y));
ylim(1.2*[-ymax 1.2*ymax])
box off
mytitle('Speech waveform');
xlabel('Time (seconds)')

Define transform 1

% A1 : STFT
R1 = 32;
A1T = @(x) pSTFT2(x, R1, 4, 3, R1);
A1 = @(X) ipSTFT2(X, R1, 4, 3, M);
p1 = 1;

% Check perfect reconstruction property
c1 = A1T(y);
err = p1*y - A1(c1);
re = max(abs(err(:)));
fprintf('Transform 1 reconstruction error = %f\n', re)

% Check Parseval energy identity
E = sum(abs(y(:)).^2);
E1 = sum(abs(c1(:)).^2);
fprintf('Signal energy = %.3e\n', E)
fprintf('Transform 1 energy = %.3e\n', E1/p1)
Transform 1 reconstruction error = 0.000000
Signal energy = 3.034e+01
Transform 1 energy = 3.034e+01

Define transform 2

% A2 : STFT
R2 = 512;
A2T = @(x) pSTFT2(x, R2, 4, 3, R2);
A2 = @(X) ipSTFT2(X, R2, 4, 3, M);
p2 = 1;

% Check perfect reconstruction property
c2 = A2T(y);
err = p2*y - A2(c2);
re = max(abs(err(:)));
fprintf('Transform 2 reconstruction error = %f\n', re)

% Check Parseval energy identity
E = sum(abs(y(:)).^2);
E2 = sum(abs(c2(:)).^2);
fprintf('Signal energy = %.3e\n', E)
fprintf('Transform 2 energy = %.3e\n', E2/p2)
Transform 2 reconstruction error = 0.000000
Signal energy = 3.034e+01
Transform 2 energy = 3.034e+01

Display spectrogram of speech signal

In the spectrogram, both the pitch harmonics (fine ridges) and the formatns (darker broad ridges) are clearly visible.

Y = pSTFT2(y, R2, 4, 3, R2);

dblim = [-50 0];
displaySTFT( Y, fs, M/fs, dblim)
title(sprintf('Speech, STFT with %d-point window', R2))
orient portrait

Peform signal separation using dual BP

Use the command 'dualBP' (dual basis pursuit) to separate the signal into two distinct components.

% Algorithm parameters
theta = 0.5;                % theta : trade-off parameter
Nit = 200;                  % Nit : number of iterations
mu1 = 10.0;                 % mu1, mu2 : ADMM parameters
mu2 = 10.0;

[y1,y2,c1,c2,costfn] = dualBP(y, A1, A1T, p1, A2, A2T, p2, theta, 1-theta, mu1, mu2, Nit);

Display cost function

plot(1:Nit, costfn)
xlim([0 Nit])
box off
title('Cost function')

Calculate signal components

The two components y1 and y2 can be found by applying the transforms to the coefficients c1 and c2 produced by the dual basis pursuit algorithhm.

y1 = A1(c1);
y2 = A2(c2);

% Verify that y = y1 + y2
fprintf('Maximum of residual = %g\n', max(abs(y - y1 - y2)))
Maximum of residual = 1.52656e-16

Display signal components obtained using dual BP

subplot(3,1,[1 2])
plot(m/fs, y, 'black', 'linewidth', LW)
text(M/fs, 0.1, 'Speech', 'horizontalalignment','right', 'fontsize',14)
vo = 0.4;
line(m/fs, y1-vo, 'color', 'black', 'linewidth', LW)
text(M/fs, -vo+0.1, 'Component 1', 'horizontalalignment','right', 'fontsize',14)
line(m/fs, y2-2*vo, 'color', 'black', 'linewidth', LW)
text(M/fs, -2*vo+0.1, 'Component 2', 'horizontalalignment','right', 'fontsize',14)
set(gca, 'ytick', [-2 -1 0]*vo)
set(gca, 'yticklabel', {})
t1 = 0.20;
t2 = 0.24;
line([t1 t2 t2 t1 t1],[-2.7 -2.7 1 1 -2.7]*vo) % , 'linestyle','--')
ylim([-2.8 1.5]*vo)
box off
xlabel('Time (seconds)')
mytitle('Waveforms (0.5 s)');
orient portrait

Display a short segment of the waveform to make their difference more visible.

k = (m/fs >= t1) & (m/fs < t2);
subplot(3,1,[1 2])
plot(m(k)/fs, y(k), 'black')
% text(0.4, 0.1, 'Speech')
vo = 0.4;
line(m(k)/fs, y1(k)-vo, 'color', 'black')
% text(0.4, -vo+0.1, 'Component 1')
line(m(k)/fs, y2(k)-2*vo, 'color', 'black')
% text(0.4, -2*vo+0.1, 'Component 2')
set(gca, 'ytick', [-2 -1 0]*vo)
set(gca, 'yticklabel', {})
box off
xlabel('Time (seconds)')
mytitle('Waveforms (40 ms)');
orient portrait

xlim([0.2 0.24])
set(gca, 'xtick', 0.2:0.01:0.24)
ylim([-2.8 1.5]*vo)

orient portrait

Note that omponent 1 consists of brief waveforms, each shorter than the pitch period. Component 2 consists of sustained oscillations that are of longer duration. The sustained oscillations visible in component 2 are resonant frequencies of the vocal tract (formants).

Display spectrograms of component signals

Note that in the spectrogram of component 1, the pitch harmonics (fine ridges) are clear and the formants are de-emphasized. While in the spectrogram of component 2, the formants are clear and the pitch harmonics are de-emphasized.

s1 = pSTFT2(y1, R2, 4, 3, R2);
s2 = pSTFT2(y2, R2, 4, 3, R2);

displaySTFT( s1, fs, M/fs, dblim)
title(sprintf('Component 1, STFT with %d-point window', R2))
orient portrait

displaySTFT( s2, fs, M/fs, dblim)
title(sprintf('Component 2, STFT with %d-point window', R2))
orient portrait

Play sounds signals

sound(y1, fs)


sound(y2, fs)


sound(y, fs)