/* output = tvd(input,width,lambda) * Total variation denoising (1-D signals) * * Mex version: Faruk UYSAL June 2012 * * Original: L. Condat, A Direct Algorithm for 1D Total Variation Denoising * preprint hal-00675043, Feb. 2012. * http://www.gipsa-lab.fr/~laurent.condat/ */ //include libraries #include "mex.h" #include "matrix.h" #include #include #include // Macro for real full double vector checking: #define IS_REAL_FULL_DOUBLE_VECTOR(P) ( \ mxIsDouble(P) && \ !mxIsComplex(P) && \ !mxIsSparse(P) && \ mxGetNumberOfDimensions(P) < 3 && \ (mxGetM(P)==1 || mxGetN(P)==1)) \ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Gateway Function (like main function. Starting point of program) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) //gateway function for mex { /* Arguments * nlhs: Number of expected output mxArrays * plhs: Array of pointers to the expected output mxArrays * nrhs: Number of input mxArrays * prhs: Array of pointers to the input mxArrays. */ double *input, *output; mwSize mrows, ncols; int width,N; double lambda,width_temp; void TV1D_denoise(double* input, double* output, const int width, const double lambda); /* check for the proper number of arguments */ if(nrhs != 3) mexErrMsgTxt("There should be 3 input arguments."); if(nlhs > 1 ) mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments."); /* row and column vectors are allowed.*/ if IS_REAL_FULL_DOUBLE_VECTOR(prhs[0]) { /* get the length of input vector */ N = mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[0]); /* get pointers input vector */ input = mxGetPr(prhs[0]); } else { mexErrMsgTxt("x must be a vector (double, non-sparse)."); } /*Check that width is an integer scaler */ width_temp = mxGetScalar(prhs[1]); // Get width as a double if(mxIsDouble(prhs[1]) && mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1]) == 1 && width_temp/1.00 == (int)width_temp) width=(int)width_temp; else mexErrMsgTxt("width must be an integer scalar."); if (width>N) mexErrMsgTxt("width must be equal or smaller than signal length."); /*Check that labmda is a double scaler */ if(mxIsDouble(prhs[2]) && mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[2]) == 1) lambda=mxGetScalar(prhs[2]); else mexErrMsgTxt("lambda must be a double scalar."); /* Get r */ /* Create a matrix for the return argument */ plhs[0]= mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, N, mxREAL); /* Assign pointers to the output parameters */ output = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); TV1D_denoise(input, output, width, lambda); return; } // The following function is from the webpage of Laurent Condat // http://www.greyc.ensicaen.fr/~lcondat/ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TV1D_denoising // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * This function implements the 1D total variation denoising * algorithm described in the paper referenced above. * If output=input, the process is performed in place. Else, * the values of input are left unchanged. * lambda must be nonnegative. lambda=0 is admissible and * yields output[k]=input[k] for all k. * If width<=0, nothing is done. */ void TV1D_denoise(double* input, double* output, const int width, const double lambda) { if (width>0) { /*to avoid invalid memory access to input[0]*/ int k=0, k0=0; /*k: current sample location, k0: beginning of current segment*/ double umin=lambda, umax=-lambda; /*u is the dual variable*/ double vmin=input[0]-lambda, vmax=input[0]+lambda; /*bounds for the segment's value*/ int kplus=0, kminus=0; /*last positions where umax=-lambda, umin=lambda, respectively*/ const double twolambda=2.0*lambda; /*auxiliary variable*/ const double minlambda=-lambda; /*auxiliary variable*/ for (;;) { /*simple loop, the exit test is inside*/ while (k==width-1) { /*we use the right boundary condition*/ if (umin<0.0) { /*vmin is too high -> negative jump necessary*/ do output[k0++]=vmin; while (k0<=kminus); umax=(vmin=input[kminus=k=k0])+(umin=lambda)-vmax; } else if (umax>0.0) { /*vmax is too low -> positive jump necessary*/ do output[k0++]=vmax; while (k0<=kplus); umin=(vmax=input[kplus=k=k0])+(umax=minlambda)-vmin; } else { vmin+=umin/(k-k0+1); do output[k0++]=vmin; while(k0<=k); return; } } if ((umin+=input[k+1]-vmin)lambda) { /*positive jump necessary*/ do output[k0++]=vmax; while (k0<=kplus); vmin=(vmax=input[kplus=kminus=k=k0])-twolambda; umin=lambda; umax=minlambda; } else { /*no jump necessary, we continue*/ k++; if (umin>=lambda) { /*update of vmin*/ vmin+=(umin-lambda)/((kminus=k)-k0+1); umin=lambda; } if (umax<=minlambda) { /*update of vmax*/ vmax+=(umax+lambda)/((kplus=k)-k0+1); umax=minlambda; } } } } }